World Friendship Day - Aug05, 2012

Friendship day As a single child I grew up in a old city of Eastern part India, with a lot of my cousins of different age groups. But, that hardly used to matter anyways. The team also used to include cousins' cousins and their friends as an extended part of the joint family. All were friends, to do a lot of planned activity, to get scolded later from elders. Also, there was a lot of fight, shouting and yelling while playing, which also used to end only after some scolding from any of the elders. After few years, the group size only increased, as few school friends were also added and very soon became a part in the group of friends. As I can see that 'Friendship day' started in 1935, when US congress dedicated the day to honor friends. But, that was not the age of Internet, it was transistor radio, which was the source of important news only, so in India this was not known almost. Time changed, as we all grew up and then came to some serious life, work t...