Media, democracy and .. Nirbhaya!

Is some light still there? It is shocking to hear and see, that a rapist of Delhi brutal gang rape victim 'Nirbhaya' not only is saying his views on rape but also the recommending probable remedy to any other rape victims; what should and should not be done at the time of or after a rape is conducted. It’s difficult to reconcile how can the journalist with a team,(who apparently is also a rape victim, as she says) go inside a jail with recording equipment to record the views of a rapists for her documentary! To me, what is more alarming and disturbing are the bold statements of two lawyers of the rapists on national televisions; one says almost the same version of the rapist said (what is still available on the internet) what a woman must or must not do for NOT being raped. Another goes a step ahead saying 'he would burn alive any woman of his family if found alone or any other man in the evening! Most surprisingly, they are proud to advocate their view...