In the search of life

In the search, till eternity Keep looking for something makes us feel we are live. A search, always for something. Each day, each moment the search in on for something and the other, knowingly or unknowingly. If the 'search' makes you realize, you are alive. Search for a toy, maybe broken, is the first search in early childhood after the lap of mother. It moves to searching for books or a pen, lost in school, when grown and start going to school. Search goes on for the favorite and lucky pair of jeans or a Tee, perhaps the next search. Search for few moments of togetherness in adolescent, to give a letter filled with love or a rose or the first kiss is something unforgettable. Search for a job, money, growth and more growth comes thereafter.. and the search goes on. To makes you feel, you are alive. From the search of love or an emptiness in-spite of being with all around us, we search for something more. We search what we don't have and mostly ...