In the search of life

In the search, till eternity

Keep looking for something makes us feel we are live. A search, always for something. Each day, each moment the search in on for something and the other, knowingly or unknowingly. If the 'search' makes you realize, you are alive.

Search for a toy, maybe broken, is the first search in early childhood after the lap of mother. It moves to searching for books or a pen, lost in school, when grown and start going to school. Search goes on for the favorite and lucky pair of jeans or a Tee, perhaps the next search. Search for few moments of togetherness in adolescent, to give a letter filled with love or a rose or the first kiss is something unforgettable. Search for a job, money, growth and more growth comes thereafter.. and the search goes on. To makes you feel, you are alive.

From the search of love or an emptiness in-spite of being with all around us, we search for something more. We search what we don't have and mostly miss, what we have. Which maybe more invaluable, but often ignored. 

A search for anything and getting it is what makes us feel successful and not getting it often gives the feeling of unfulfilled or unsuccessful. And we keep searching again. The search for money is for some who has  lots and still looking or have none continues still.

In search of peace, we see saints leave family and go places and we visit temples, when peace is only within and around and overlooked. We search it in form of some God. We try and think that our search is over and peace is there, when we know well from inside, it is not.

Search never ends. After one search is over, maybe achieved or failed to achieve, it always leads to another. Thoughts are gathered for another search. In the search of one country, India Columbus got a continent, America.

Till eyes are closed forever, search continues, just like our breath. Unknowingly, we breathe as a system of our body, mind and soul to realize we are alive. It ends only when the life ends and our thoughts die. 

What never will end is our Vision we leave behind. Then some same search continues...from one sunrise to the other .. till eternity !

What is any search for... A desire, want or just a need !


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