Unbelievable truth of healthcare sector in India!

I really fail to understand if we are moving forward while living in 2016 or going backwards! When will India will be adult and shall we be given the right behave like one. We are such hypocrites in all means! Our politicians and leaders are hellbent in proving Indians can shrug off the ‘Third world’ tag and can do much more than any other developed country. We have the capability of becoming leaders. On the other hand, it’s painful to see we still have to follow the rules of 1957 which is obsolete in 2016, but based on those few people are just pulling progress, as they are still law. This is disgusting! Are we really serious about the growth of our country and it’s people, or it’s just for the sake of saying!

Few days back Chennai Medical Association came out with a logic that doctors cannot list themselves on any internet listing site, as per a law of 1957 and some sections. Fare enough, but does the law say that people should be harassed and die before finding a doctor they need and meeting the doctor in 2016? I would like to know if there is any clarity about this in the law or not. This cannot be a good law which is meant for mankind for sure. When the lawmakers are so proud to announce 3G, 4G mobile circles selling at the highest ever price etc., when it is talked about the huge FDI and encouraging entrepreneurship and only in last week announcement of gala success of the launch of satellites; why can the same technology be used to find and book a doctor! Why not find and buy lab tests or medicines, keeping law in mind? If law needs to be modified a bit for the sake of mankind, what makes us not go for it!! I think it is expected from Indians, don’t expect anything from anyone from the country, other than God! So, look for a doctor walking across the street with a smart phone in hand, because some law does not allow you to do so. Or go to some unorganised doctor and in case you cannot reach at all, just die! 

As founder of Lazoi.com, a healthcare portal, which provides doctor’s complete profile, so that at the time of need one can get a doctor; makes one book appointments with the doctors online effortlessly, provides complete CRM support to people booking an appointment, so that they reach the doctor as well as coordinate with the doctors for the, is a bad idea? Lazoi makes one find and buy lab tests online, keep medical records online for any registered individual which can save lives at the time of need. So, from this point it is surprising to see that the Chennai Medical Council and Medical Council of India is questioning the integrity of the portals providing doctors' information? This is absurd! Health is a serious issue, but it is a sin to not letting people find doctors and medical support in India through internet, in the age of internet. What are we heading for?

As per WHO, the doctor patient ratio is 1:1000 and in India, we have it almost double, 1:2000. So, if a doctor can manage his or her time well, can make the doctor attend to more patients. So, DocPractice is a Doctors' Practice Management software which Lazoi provides to doctors, which can make a doctors’ or clinics’ more organised, keep patients details and maintain records and billing, may face a question about the intention of making an innovative software too, as we provide doctor’s information as well to people? You never know. Larger hospitals using software maybe the next target, as we are ultimately walking backwards perhaps!

I certainly am not advocating for wrong publicity being done by any doctor, having said that, if it is said that 'any information of doctors should not be online, as we are not Western country’ can only push India back in healthcare sector too. Just to remind India earns a huge amount of foreign exchange in the name of ‘Medical Tourism’. Is a stop on that is coming next?

People should speak up against this, as in the end of the day it's we for whom the law exists. It's we the common citizen find it difficult when our near and dear ones fall sick and get the least help from any authority. It's we, who vote and for us the law exists. Then why is this law, which goes against us, and punish always!

I am completely amazed to see this news in some news portals, that doctors providing information is making an advertisement and that is not allowed as per the Indian Medical Association. So, even lazoi.com is NOT a listing site, I want to ask this question, if with the help of basic technology, helping people and trying to save life is not allowed in India in the year 2016.


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