Faded colors of past !

A clorrful life

Not a good practice, but I overheard the elderly lady, Mrs. Bakshi was talking to her friend Mrs. Srivastava over phone sitting beside me. As a neighbor she knew me, so she didn't bother talking to her mind sitting beside me. I was in the doctors clinic too, waiting for my turn on a Sunday afternoon. Later I saw Mr. Bakshi, with his white hair coming out from the chamber of the doctor. So, I understood that Mrs. Bakshi was perhaps accompanying her 75 year old husband. Someday he must have been a smart man and she too!

While sitting beside me, I heard her saying over phone to her friend, "writing a new story, 'The Need Of The Hour', part 2", It's difficult though to write these days and my grandchildren keep asking me each hour "what do you do the whole day". 'RUPA' only is publishing it. I am happy, but I will not be in India on 8th Sep, 2012, when they publish it, as my husband wants to go back to our own small town". The question came from Mrs. Rudra was not known perhaps, but, Mrs. Bakshi said, what I heard 'I am just out of regular lives and letting my children live they way they live, which is different that ours, but that's life all about I think. We are living only for my grandchildren and for the happiness for our children. I am alive now for my husband and my grandchildren. We both are living now only for them. To get them close for sometime, to see them and hear when we are away."

My inner eyes open once again. Some known words, very known made made a cloud in my mind.

In the bright colors of today's life I too perhaps let my parents live a similar life. In their own home, away from me and my children. They are living lives in their own home, but like an 'old-age home', alone. They too have done their all and to the best of their ability, for which I am here today, whatever better I have been able to be today and do for my wife and children.  

A 'name' is the only thing we are carry from our parents. Sometimes that's not too are stolen by some other near and dear ones or for some so-called modern official reasons. 'Shyam' to "Sam' is quite known and nothing to be surprised about.

My father never asked me, 'Can you not do without it', when jeans just came to our small town and not that popular, he made a customized one going to the nearest city. I remember. I do remember after a lot of fight, my mother, made him approve to get me a bicycle, I do remember that I was in the 9th heaven and started talking to the air, keeping my feet on the paddle. Faster ... and faster.

Today a bicycle is not that important to my kids, maybe that has been taken over by some gadgets and soon they are replaced by some other thing and previous becomes 'not that important or good' in the modern age and World. But, perhaps we all need to look back at times and remember today, to the bicycles or our first pair of jeans.True, that before us the world was there and it will be after us too. But, still once let's think once !

It's not a matter of the fun what we got in our childhood but also the people who gave their best effort at that time to provide or present that, just to see us happy. Today why we think so many times before buying a gadgets for them, what we buy without a blink of an eye for our children or ourselves maybe,.. why! Why we think, what will be the exact use of it 'in percentage', while their happiness perhaps would only be 'my son or daughter presented it' and with that maybe with a small use some 'apps', one 'apps' will only be there to talk to and see the grandchildren or their children, who maybe far away from them? That's the price and time, which they may ask from us, only to talk or see we are fine, can make them live few more years, is so critical for us? Is it that unjustified for them to ask and so critical for us to provide them with, against the lives they provided us with everything?

Lifespan of human has increased is what science has provided and researches tell us. But, not many death, in which-so-ever way give us much time to reach the near and dear ones at the time of death. A snatch and all is gone in moments. It can happen to me, you, someone in my family and someone in yours. We will again go back for a while for their cremation, when still they will wait on ice, to go for their last rite and we will only do a better show-off that time, maybe with a huge cry or otherwise, just to prove how we are placed in our lives, to the people living still. Not many times feeling that we lost a soul, who gave their best to reach us upto any level we are in.

let's think of our old parents once today and know that we are moving to that age first ... very first ! Then what ..!!


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