Life behind curtains

A splash of sky and a lot of shadow

It was raining for last couple weeks, maybe more. Today after I got us and looked at the sky and the driving to office, the sky was deep blue, clouds were white, silky. There was no pollution in the air is what I felt sitting in the locked AC car. So, all was good and a feel good factor working in my mind, while driving listening to some mind blowing song on my favorite FM radio station.

After I reached office, I was late though, I started working and the window and the blinds beside in my cabin was diverting all my concentration out; through that small light coming through the window and mixing it with the artificial light in my room was a magic. It was strong enough to take my mind and soul look through, out.. to the sky, sun peeping through the blinds and then I distinctly could see the sharp shadows on the blinds, the sky and the ray of Sun.
Standing behind the blind I looked at the watch to see the time or towards my life, is time is running faster and I am falling behind? Am I burning myself too fast to look around all good things happening around me? Sun always was bright like this earlier and it will even after today, it even could be brighter. But, in the life of mine, Sun will loose very little mine, the time of a human being, as the life of Sun is many thousand years.
There can be a day, when the sharpness of the shadows and the brightness of Sun will hardly matter to me, but by then where will I stand !
The time is moving faster.  So, rather than looking at it, realizing, enjoying it a bit, are we all are running,? Towards what is what I don't know, do you?

What if we live a colorful life than a black and white, although black and while is more meaningful and remain still !
Please share your views is all I want ! Please speak up or should time pass and we peep through the blinds to our lives !


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