A new year again for making a brand new wish!

First day of the new year makes us feel nostalgic, at least it happens with me sometimes. An audit goes on within the mind, as how the previous year passed and what will be the new year resolutions, validity for those resolutions become only for 10days .. ok, let's make it better ..20 days at the most?

So, I am starting to write today on the fifth day of the year 2015. As this writing falls in my new year's resolution. To write some, to click some, to draw some and also to play some. And to do lot more work. Too many things in  the list? I too feel so. So, it's my time for the test and see how long can I continue and if they last beyond 15 days!

Last summer I went to Ladakh, but didn't still have gone through all my photographs nor could write more than two pages on the trip. But it's alright! It happens perhaps! Let's look forward and think that all those what happened last year and years before that. Let's think that they were the worst and now it can only get better.

On this note, want to thank you for visiting my blog.

Wish you a very happy new year 2015! Let us live to the fullest and remain safe!

Stay blessed!



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