OMG (Oh My God) Vs Pk

God created human and then human created 'Godman', who most of the times do not act as Godly as we much we keep faith in them. So, even when we have full faith in God in our own ways and not the way it's shown by the Godmen. It should be a direct call to the creator, God and no via-media is needed ever. Is that the truth? If that is accepted then both movies OMG and Pk hit the same goal.

Faith is needed to live, to move forward and that mostly comes from within. Faith maybe is a weakness for the human being, as future always holds the mystery and past have not been quite 'happening' mostly. So, the answer is a billion dollar business of 'Faith and hope' and the middle name of that are 'Godman'. They are the inter-mediatory between us, the often troubled common people and God. There is not any dearth of worry for downfall in this business and never have any recession. This is going on for hundreds of years, as we, the people provide TRP for that. It perhaps will go on for centuries, even Pk is now the best sold movie in Bollywood monetarily and OMG sends a even stronger message to us.

While travelling to Ladakh, I saw people hanging this coloured flags(the picture above), some make small to large stone cairn. It is said that if it stands, for a long time, a wish comes true. That's what our driver 'Gorang' told me. I remember his small eyes and always with an innocent smile till now. But, maybe they are some identification marks in that barren land, as there is hardly any tree which could do the same task. Maybe.. or maybe a strong faith again, which makes 'Gorang' or me strong from within. 

Coming back to where I started from, I personally feel Pk could be a shorter movie and yet be effective for sending necessary message to people, while OMG (Oh My God) is a wonderfully done movie to me and sends a very string message in a much candid manner about God, faith and Godmen.

After a long time I went to watch this movie to a movie-hall. But was a little disappointed, which normally didn't happen in any of Aamir's earlier movies. Sorry, I am not a movie critic, nor am trying to be one, so if any of Aamir fan reading this, no offence please. This is only my personal opinion.

I was told by a friend of mine that OMG was a theatre and Paresh Rawal acted in that as well. So, acting in the movie (OMG) perhaps was only a natural movement for him. No need to mention how powerful and versatile actor he is for any role he acted till date.

Here are two of my Ladakh trip photographs. One of Aamir's icon movie, '3 idiots' inspired me to travel there. But, it was worth it! What a place!!

More soon. 

Take care.


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